Everything you want to know about the Tape2PC. Get the inside scoop on the ION Tape2PC from a large number of expert and user reviews.
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Offer for Tape2PC - convert cassettes to MP3s Warehouse TAG ARCHIVE : #1: Looking for Tape2PC - convert cassettes to MP3s Go. ... and adjustable record level. Can even be used with your home stereo system to play your cassettes.
If you have other audio capture software you prefer, the beauty of the Tape2PC system is, YOU CAN USE IT! (yes, Mac users, that means you too). But give it a try. Since most people will simply hit record and then save, the& ...
It looks like Ion Audio is leaving no old school audio format behind, with the company now following up its USB turntables with its TAPE2PC USB tape deck.
Everything you want to know about the Tape2PC. Get the inside scoop on the ION Tape2PC from a large number of expert and user reviews.
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